
baked buttermilk bread loaf
I always kinda feel like when I share onebuttermilk recipe, I oughtta share another right after so you have the opportunity to use up an ingredient that’s at times tricky to use up.Unless you doubled up on thoseCheese Buttermilk Biscuits….which uh yeah, you should.

Hey, if I’m gonna make you buy an out-of-the-ordinary item, the least I could do is to make it worth your while, amiright?

So yeah, Buttermilk Bread.Who woulda thought?

slices of buttermilk bread
Looks pretty good, yeah?
Recently I lamented to Mike, “I wish I could bake bread more often,siiiiigh.”He kinda looked at me weirdly, a why-bake-it-when-you-can-buy-it-so-easily look, didn’t have much of a response. Probably because I haven’t baked much bread since we’ve been together for oh, um, uh, quite a few years. The embarrassment stems from lack of bread baking, not us being together, heh.

But hello, freshly baked homemade bread?And uh, hello, baking blog?

这并不是说我不莱克阀门e to bake bread.Or like making bread.Or heck, eating it, I mean c’mon!Bread!

Not that baking bread is a hugely time-consuming thing either yet….I just cannot find the time.I need to find more time.

Sure, ok, ok, in all fairness, it can be labor-intensive and complicated and time-consuming and can tip into super science-y and obsessive. But not always.

getting the yeast going
I mean, for goodness sake, I’ve got a two freakin’ pound bag….Start that yeast up and when it’s poofy and puffy, add the wet ingredients.
A good, ease-you-into-it, confidence building start is this Buttermilk Bread fromThe Wood and Spoonas it is not hugely labor-intensive nor time-consuming. ………….

I keep making statements backwards-ly suggesting that bread making is scary or absorbs all your time and I shouldn’t because once you’ve had homemade bread, very little compares.You’ll second guess yourself every time you’re reaching for a bag at the grocery store.Or I do anyway.

Yeeeaaarrrs ago I used to make French Bread, using my spiffy brand newKitchen-Aid mixer* that my folks gave me for the holidays.Heh, I used the recipe right out of thecookbook, ermanual that came with it!

adding first part of flour to bloomed yeast in mixer
Adding the first portion of the flour here.
I should revisit that recipe, see if it’s as good as memory serves.It was fun, it was tasty, it came out reaaaalllly well, I loved it, I was proud, it knocked an item off my grocery list. I made it myself!

I did not have all the related accouterment, what with thepans and cloths* and knives and whoo-ha and whatever.Henceforth, that stuff’s not required, fyi.

I’ve made a challah.Didn’t turn out well.I made a version of that internet famous no-knead bread in a dutch oven.Didn’t turn out well.Other breads too….obviously I’ll have to try again now thatI’ve got yeast figured out.

blending flour into yeast in mixer
All the flour is in now, I think, having a memory lapse. Looks kinda mushy but it’ll come together, don’t you worry.
This particular bread turned out well though, really well, really really well.Plus it’ssoooeasy and hands-off-y, you can get loads of other things accomplished while the bread is doin’ its thing.

确定这是一个白面包和白面包也许n’t pack as big a’ healthy punch but this is a different homemade white, bonus being there ain’t none a’ them wacky chemicals or icky things.It has seven simple ingredients and you know what they are.Plus seriously, it uses up that buttermilk taking up space in the fridge!Score!

kneaded dough in mixer bowl
Now see? Isn’t that lovely after kneading? Clean bowl and everything!
It’s a simple bread, fluffy and soft without being Wonder Bread-ish.It has only a slight buttermilk tang, just enough oddly enough considering the quantity, a subtle whiff of honey sweetness, and it’s delicate, deeeelicious.The crust is thin and subtle.It’s excellent lightly toasted, smeared with melty butter.

Ugh….do I have time today??……

view of first rise dough in glass bowl
Holy cow people, look at that first rise!
I baked up this loaf and have zero idea what happened to it.One minute it was here, next it was gone.Seriously.Gone. *Poof.*

Like I said, it is quite effortless to make, so pull out the mixer (or warm up those hands), let’s do this!

second rise before and after in loaf pan
Yeah I know, my photos are ahead of the outline of steps, thought I’d spread ’em out a bit. But here’s the second rise in the loaf pan. Poof! Nice!
Bloom the yeast in that mixer bowl with a fat pinch of sugar to get the yeast hopping, then add your liquid ingredients.

After that, add about half of the flour and all the salt (do not forget the salt; I have, doh!), stir that up nicely, then add the rest of the flour.Kindly allow the mixer to then do the work for you by kneading it for about eight minutes, until it has completely pulled away from the bowl and is niiiice and smooth, as above.

freshly baked buttermilk bread in loaf pan
Tada! Voila! Bread! I made bread! It’s a beaut!
Or too, by all means, you can knead the dough by hand if you’d like, don’t let me stop you.

You’ll give the bread two rises obviously since you’ve seen the photos, once in a bowl and then a shorter rise in the loaf pan, after which pop it into a hot oven.In return, you’ll receive this ooh so lovely, grandiose golden brown loaf of joyfulness.

side view of baked buttermilk bread loaf on rack
I can’t stop staring at this photo, the nooks, the stretchies, the golden brown, the crispy parts….breaaaaadddd.
Let that bread cool completely though before you start ripping into it so it can do the rest of its juju magic and set properly.

slices of buttermilk bread
It slices so nicely too! These little soft, fluffy, delectable slivers of bread heaven….
Ok, now go and enjoy some spectacular fresh homemade bread!Yay!

view of buttermilk bread side

Note: This content originally appeared on Flaky Bakers.



16 slices (1 loaf)
Prep time
30 Min
Cook time
40 Min
Inactive time
2 H & 10 M
Total time
3 H & 19 M
一个非常简单的面包用脱脂乳that’s velvety soft and delicate with a perfectly moist crumb.


  • 1/4 cup (59 ml) water warmed to 100-110° F or 38-43° C
  • 1 tablespoon (9 g) active dry yeast
  • pinch of sugar
  • 1 1/4 cup (296 ml) buttermilk, room temperature
  • 3 tablespoons (44 ml) honey
  • 2 tablespoons (28 g) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 3 3/4 cup (450 g) all-purpose flour divided
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons (9 g) fine sea salt


  1. Dissolve the yeast in the bowl of a mixer with the warmed water and pinch of sugar. Let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes until it becomes bubbly and active.
  2. Add the buttermilk, honey, and melted but cooled butter to the mixer bowl and combine on stir.
  3. Stir in 2 cups of the flour using the dough hook attachment and add the salt. Once the flour is mixed in, add the rest of the flour and set the mixer on medium-low, kneading the dough for about 8 minutes. The dough should be smooth but if it is still sticking, add a tablespoon or two of flour at a time and mix until the dough is soft and smooth, pulling away from the sides of the bowl. The bowl should be clean of dough.
  4. Using cooking spray, lightly mist a large bowl or use a paper towel and a few drops of oil to coat. Set the dough in the bowl, cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and set in a warm place to rise for about 1 1/2 hours, or until double in size.
  5. Lightly spray a 9” x 5” loaf pan with cooking spray and place the dough in the pan, forming it into a loaf shape. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and again, let the dough rise until it’s about an inch over the top of the pan, give or take 40 minutes. Begin preheating the oven to 350° F (176° C) while it rises.
  6. Place the loaf pan in the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes, until the dough has puffed further and is a golden brown. It should sound hollow when knocked on. Cool the bread in the pan for about 10 minutes, then remove it to a cooling rack to cool completely.


Adapted fromThe Wood and Spoon.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)


Please see the "info" section for nutrition details and information about gram weights.

bread, buttermilk

*The Kitchen-Aid mixers and French Bread accessories are Amazon affiliate links.Happy baking, thanks!Please see the "info" tab for more, well, info.

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