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Guys, we’re too flaky to do anything with your email addresses and whatnot. We’re not interested in data, we like butter and sugar instead. If you sign up for our mailing list (thank you!!), that’s excellent and your name and email address go to a totally safe widget that we don’t scour. You’ll have to verify with a click to consent email, so please don’t forget to do that so you don’t miss out on a single thing. We don’t use your info for anything except to send you our lovely and drool-worthy posts. Honestly, we never even look. Your info is not sold, no nothin’, it’s solely to send you awesome posts with even more awesome recipes. Or oh, we use Google Analytics just to see where folks are visiting from and how often but there’s zero personal data involved there and that’s all on Google. Yeah, no, we’re not into data harvesting, we like to bake too much.

If you want, we can send you the info we have but truly, it’s only your name and email address. You can unsubscribe any time, and boo we’ll be sad but all your info will be deleted. Or we can amend info too, or leave it be, no worries.

Affiliate Links

So too, we sprinkle some affiliate links around in our blog posts, most are Amazon, a few are to other sites. Please know we don’t control what info those sites collect, only they can let you know. Affiliate links are part of an advertising program which means we may earn a tiny percentage fee if you buy something on those sites through our links. You don’t pay more nor extra, please that’d be mean. Besides, anything we link to is something we either use personally or highly recommend to make your baking life better and easier. Don’t be offended or feel we’re sneaking one over on you; anything we earn serves to help us bring more tasty recipes to you! A win all around!

Nutritional Data Disclaimer

Any nutrition data provided with recipes is an estimate only, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be used in the direct treatment of any medical condition.It should be used as a guide and for general reference only.

The data is calculated based on the listing of ingredients, amounts of ingredients, and serving sizes through an online database provided by WPRecipeMaker.While the data provided is based on best available information, actual nutritional content may vary depending on a variety of factors outside the control of either website including but not limited to varying products, substitutions, process, measurement accuracy, and serving sizes.

The data provided is not a substitute for medical advice nor professional recommendations.Flaky Bakers, Becky, and Jen arenot responsible for any loss, adverse or allergic reactions, effects, consequences, damage, or illness as a result of the nutrition data shown nor the use of the recipes provided.

So we’re all good, yes? Great! Let’s get back to baking!