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Y’all, I’ve been searching, searching, and SEARCHING for a delicious vegan coffee cake recipe for a looooooooong time. Fail after fail had me wondering, was it even possible? I mean, my favorite chocolate cake recipe EVER is perfect and moist and everything you want in a good cake and just so happens to be vegan, […]


Mini Cinnamon Sugar Honey Puffs

ob电竞体育app下载 ,Muffins,Recipes

Maybe a little redundant with the sweeteners in the name, Mini Cinnamon Sugar Honey Puffs, but that reflects what it’s all about here with this recipe. Now sure, they’re not too far off of the Cinnamon Sugar Breakfast Puffs, heh, but these are in fact different. First off, it’s an entirely different recipe. Second, […]

March 6, 2021

Mini Dutch Baby Pancakes

ob电竞体育app下载 ,Holiday,Muffins,Recipes

Ah darn it, I had something else planned for you but turns out my photos were mmm, crap. So instead, schedule switcheroo, Mini Dutch Baby Pancakes! I’ve got a few variations of the theme on the docket so I’ll probably sound like a broken record but I gotta tell ya, when they’re so simple to […]

November 28, 2020

Apple Fritter Bread

Apple,ob电竞体育app下载 ,ob电竞集团 ,ob电竞平台 ,Quick Bread,Recipes

If you follow along here on this super spiffy blog, you already know I am an apple lover, or really, a baking with apples lover. So duh of course I’d be captivated by a recipe entitled Apple Fritter Bread. Duh. Not a bread, it’s a quick bread. Well, heh, let’s be honest here, haha, it’s […]

September 19, 2020

Apple Pancake Bowls

Apple,ob电竞体育app下载 ,Recipes

Baking for breakfast, yes, it’s definitely a thing, as we’re quite aware. Now, see, I am not and have never been a morning person, much to the frustration and chagrin of pretty much every morning person I know. Or, everyone. I just can’t. I have tried. I’ve had very early morning jobs. Early classes. Nothing […]

May 27, 2020

Chocolate Swirled Coffee Cake Bread

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Chocolate? You want some chocolate?! Baby I gotchu some chocolate right here. Breakfast chocolate at that. Yeah! Holy bah-jeebers, this thing is otherworldly. It’s a bread, or more bread than a coffee cake, more bread than cake, more bread than pastry so the original name is a bit of a misnomer. There is yeast […]

May 13, 2020

Chocolate Chip Crumb Coffee Cake

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Ya know how you get that craving for something specific, a baked good in this instance obviously, and you want it to be exactly a specific certain way but you currently don’t have a recipe for whatever it is you have in mind and you research around trying to find what it is exactly that […]

April 1, 2020

Cinnamon Bread

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I’m going to apologize in advance for this post, my lack of brain power and any off-kilter comedic moments. Picked up the flu. Yeah, it’s been fun. Generally I’m quite adept at evading the flu; it helps to work from home. Lucky for me, I’ve run across its foulness at best maybe three times in […]

February 19, 2020

Extraordinary Lemon Cake

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I can’t stop eating this cake. It’s light, yet moist, and intensely lemony—which is unusual in a lemon cake and what makes this one outstanding. And I kind of stumbled upon it by accident. Earlier this week, my husband had a function to attend that required baked goods. Since I had a big ol’ bag […]

December 21, 2019

Crock Pot Applesauce

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Every year during apple season, I get a little overzealous in my apple buying and usually end up with a bunch of apples that have lost their crunch. Personally, I don’t like eating soft apples. The flavor may still be great, but it doesn’t matter—if the texture is off, I don’t want to eat them. […]

October 26, 2019