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Y’all, I’ve been searching, searching, and SEARCHING for a delicious vegan coffee cake recipe for a looooooooong time. Fail after fail had me wondering, was it even possible? I mean, my favorite chocolate cake recipe EVER is perfect and moist and everything you want in a good cake and just so happens to be vegan, […]


Apple Fritter Bread

Apple,ob电竞体育app下载 ,ob电竞集团 ,ob电竞平台 ,Quick Bread,Recipes

If you follow along here on this super spiffy blog, you already know I am an apple lover, or really, a baking with apples lover. So duh of course I’d be captivated by a recipe entitled Apple Fritter Bread. Duh. Not a bread, it’s a quick bread. Well, heh, let’s be honest here, haha, it’s […]

September 19, 2020

Chocolate Swirled Coffee Cake Bread

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Chocolate? You want some chocolate?! Baby I gotchu some chocolate right here. Breakfast chocolate at that. Yeah! Holy bah-jeebers, this thing is otherworldly. It’s a bread, or more bread than a coffee cake, more bread than cake, more bread than pastry so the original name is a bit of a misnomer. There is yeast […]

May 13, 2020

Chocolate Chip Crumb Coffee Cake

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Ya know how you get that craving for something specific, a baked good in this instance obviously, and you want it to be exactly a specific certain way but you currently don’t have a recipe for whatever it is you have in mind and you research around trying to find what it is exactly that […]

April 1, 2020

Apple Coffee Cake

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有一个提示在空中下降,寒冷的铁道部nings and evenings, leaves just barely beginning to turn, and freshly picked apples popping up everywhere. We LOVE apples, and look forward to apple season every year. Apple pie is probably our most favorite apple thing to bake (this one AND this one), but we […]

September 15, 2019

Quick and Easy Cinnamon Coffee Cake

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This is the quickest and easiest (and delicious-est) coffee cake. Like this is the one you throw together in a jiff for an impromptu friend visit. Or just because you suddenly have a hankering for cinnamon coffee cake. All I’m saying is if you feel like treating yourself to a sweet treat this weekend—a warm, […]

September 27, 2018